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Holmewood Hall entrance from Church Street.
Until 1844 Holme Lode would have come into the village from the north east crossing this road before entering into the garden of Holmewood Hall.
Short Drove looking towards Holme Fen
This view would have been much bleaker until the Fens were drained as this area would have been a bog. The silver birch trees of the Holme Fen Nature reserve can be seen at the back of the picture. They are one of the largest concentrations of silver birches in the country.
Orchard House, Church Street
The front of Orchard House was built in the 1840/1850s, probably of Holme brick. It was the home of the Holmewood estate land agents for part of the 20th century.
Holme Fen Posts.
The Holme Fen Posts posts were driven into the bedrock and measure the shrinkage of the peat after the draining of Whittlesea Mere.
Holme Village sign on Church Street
The centre of the sign depicts the Wells family coat of arms . The Fenland Ark is seen at the bottom, with the Holme Fen Posts and sheaves depicting Holme’s farming heritage at the top.
Post card from Holme
This postcard dates from the early 2000. Top left – the old shop now a private house. Top right – The Admiral Wells public house. Bottom left – the Holme sign on Station Road. Bottom right – The Holme Fen Posts.
Post card from Holme
The date of this postcard is unknown but would be prior to the late 1940s as several of these buildings would have been demolished by then. Top left – these cottages stood on Short Drove and have been replaced by a modern bungalow. Top right – Old cottage on Station Road next to the Cube also replaced by modern bungalow. Centre – The Church Bottom left – Holme village shop on the corner of Short Drove and Station Road. Bottom right –Cottage standing behind Holme Church. Formerly the Holmewood Hall gardeners cottage.
Admiral Wells
The picture of Admiral Wells as depicted on the present sign outside the pub of the same name.
Post card from Holme
Post card of unknown date possibly 1960/1970s Top left – Railway workers cottages on the Yaxley Road. Top right- Houses on the corner of Station Road and Pingle Bank. Centre – Church Bottom Left – Holme School Bottom right – The Railway Arms on the corner of Station Road and Pingle Bank
The Old Smithy Pingle Bank
It is known had a blacksmith in the 17 th but the site of his smithy is unknown. This building dates from the mid 19th century. The 1940 Kelly’s directory shows Walter Upex as the blacksmith.
Woodman’s Cottage on Yaxley Road
The Woodmans Cottage was built as a gatehouse for the 1844 carriage road from Holmewood Hall to the Yaxley Road.